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West Island Citizen Advocacy shares Tips and Resources

Writer's picture: Julianna CavallaroJulianna Cavallaro

Are you concerned About the Care and Protection of our Seniors?

The West Island Citizen Advocacy shares tips and resources about what to do when a problem arises with an institution.

"West Island Citizen Advocacy Seniors Advocacy Project Launched in 2009, helps seniors facing social crises, abuse, defense of rights, offering emotional and practical support.

(514) 694-5850 ext. 27

😟 Concerned About the Care and Protection of our Seniors?

When a problem arises with an institution it is best to attempt to work it out directly with the staff and management.

💡 Tip: Be sure to write down the name, date and time that you speak to someone (nurse, orderly, management etc), follow-up any verbal conversations in writing with management.

If your issue is not resolved, here are further options:

1) User’s Committee - Every institution has its own User’s Committee. The staff and/or management there will be able to provide you with the contact information. The committee is there to protect the rights of those who receive care and services.

2) CAAP (514) 861-5998 - If you need help or assistance in filing a complaint, you may reach out confidentially at no charge to Le Centre d'assistance et d'accompagnement aux plaints

3) CIUSSS 1-844-630-5125 - To file your complaint directly or to report a concerning situation such as abuse, you can reach out to The Service Quality and Complaints Commissioner or by email:

4) Ombudsman 1-800-463-5070 - If you do not get the results you were hoping for after having contacted the CIUSSS, you can then file a complaint with the Quebec Ombudsman at

📚 More resources:

The Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse 1-800-361-647 - The Commission has a special team dealing with exploitation of the elderly

Aide Abus Aînés (514) 489-2287 - Confidential help and referral service for seniors who are victims of exploitation, abuse or neglect, and their families, friends and neighbours

CLSC Lac-Saint-Louis (514) 697-4110

CLSC Pierrefonds (514) 626-2572

What can I do if I or someone I know is the victim of physical violence?

If it is urgent, call 9-1-1

You can also contact Crime Victims Assistance Centre (CAVAC) 1-866-532-2822 - "


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