The first REM cars have arrived in the Greater Montreal area this week. The four cars, the equivalent of two train sets, are currently resting in Brossard. In the coming weeks, they will be checked, coupled (i.e. assembled to form 2 pairs of 2 cars, or 2 train sets) and prepared for the test period. As a reminder, a series of tests is planned on a 3.5-kilometre stretch between the Brossard station and the Malo-Leduc overpass in order to verify all the components of the future automated system.
The REM is the first fully automated light rail system in Quebec that will operate on the surface, underground and on elevated structures, allowing its users to travel quickly and frequently while enjoying a panoramic view of the city.
The cars will be air-conditioned and heated, will offer Wi-Fi connection, and will respect the principles of universal access with spaces dedicated to wheelchairs (learn more about the universal accessibility of the cars). This light rail system will offer a very fast, frequent (every 2.5 minutes on the main section at rush hour) and reliable service.
The automation of the system will allow the REM to operate without a driver and to have one of the largest front windows of a light rail in the world. Designed and developed for winter, the REM cars will undergo several tests in the coming months before receiving their first customers. Finally, the REM cars will be 100% electric and powered by a catenary and a voltage of 1.5 kV AC.
For the moment, the cars remain wrapped in their plastic cocoon. However, they will be revealed to the general public in the coming weeks.
The following pictures show the wrapped REM cars in transportation and the expected design.