In order to take into account the new municipal realities, in particular sustainable development, urban resilience, and to adapt to climate change, Pointe-Claire is in the process of developing a new planning strategy.
As part of the this process, the city is consulting the public through an online survey in order to define action priorities for the years to come. All city staff have already taken part in the process, which started last spring.
“Future projects, plans and actions undertaken by the City must be aligned with this analysis in order to respect the vision expressed by the community and to ensure a resilient future for our community and our territory. Your participation in the survey is very important” Mayor Thomas pointed out.
This process will fuel and confirm the vision of the Pointe-Claire community, elected officials and City administration, and will define action priorities in the upcoming years. Responses from this survey are confidential. The data collected will be analyzed anonymously by the Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton team, throughout the process.
To allow as many citizens as possible to express themselves, the survey will take place between September 2 and 29, 2022.
How to participate:
Go to the citizen consultation platform Pointe-Claire, it’s who we are! to participate.
Computers are available in the Pointe-Claire library to allow citizens to access the online platform, plus copies of the survey are also available at City Hall. Please note that the paper version of the survey must be filled in on site.
So that young citizens can take part in the reflection process, those 0 to 17 years of age are invited to draw their ideas of a Pointe-Claire of tomorrow. The Youth Advisory Board, along with certain members of administration, will select the works that will be used to illustrate the document presenting the City of Pointe-Claire’s 2023–2027 Strategic Plan. The winners will receive a day with their family or friends at the Olive-Urquhart Sports Centre.
To enter, please fill in the entry form. The forms are also available in the Central Library. You have until September 29 at 9 p.m. to submit the work to the Children’s Info Desk at the Central Library.