Vaudreuil-Dorion has a great cultural objective and collaborates with local artists to create a diverse cultural environment. Since 2019, the festival ‘MOSA, La Fête des Mots’ is held by the city to promote the use of words in domains such as writing, music or any form of local arts. But, such festival can face adversity. For instance, due to Covid-19, it was skipped for two years and this year, due to recent floodings, most of the events were postponed to July and August. As for the two events in May, they occurred on May 25th and 27th. Here is a summary of those events:

May 25th: Interview with actress and author Christine Beaulieu Animated by Amélie Boivin Handfield, the night was filled with laughs from the large audience that came to the St-Jean-Baptiste Opticenter to see Christine Beaulieu being interviewed and ask her questions. From 18:30 to 21:00, the actress was questioned about her upbringing, her acting debuts, her work as an author and her relationship of ten years with renowned actor Roy Dupuis.
Here are some key quotes that summarize the interview: When describing what consists being an actress she compares it to a love relationship. “It's the fine line between pushing hard and being able to realize that it isn't your place.” She usually avoids staring at herself on screen, preferring to watch the scenes she plays in as a whole: “I do not judge how others play, however, I prefer to not watch myself in order to avoid focusing on myself on screen.” When discussing the importance of supporting Québec cinema, she told the audience: “The sooner you go to see a film in Quebec, the more you support Quebec filmmakers.” “Don't come see me at the theater or at the cinema to encourage me, come to have fun and support Quebec culture.” “International content should not be limited. We must put Quebec culture back at the center of the general culture of young people.” When talking about what people thought of her writing a documentary play about Hydro-Québec, she said: “I was the first skeptic.” To describe her husband Roy Dupuis and their relationship, Beaulieu had this to say: "My husband is a big deal!” “He has an aura of mystery around his life.” “There is zero competition between us, we help each other.” Smiles and laughs combined with deep discussions created a magical ambience that night in Vaudreuil-Dorion.

May 27th at 11:00: Unveiling of the artistic structure ‘Haïkus du Jardin’ at Harwood Park Along with the ideas of Nane Couzier, the Espace Haïku club of Vaudreuil-Dorion and the photos taken by Natacha Marleau, the city decided to create this moving sculpture to give visibility to poetry in nature. The structure was realized by Jacques Grenier and produced by the city of Vaudreuil-Dorion. This work of art was made for the MOSA Festival due to its deep connection to words, but also to nature. The new Hardwood park was the ideal location to install the structure for the public to see.

Nane Couzier and ‘Haïkus du Jardin’
For a few years now, Nane Couzier has worked with Vaudreuil-Dorion to promote poetry, especially Haïkus. When she saw images of similar structures and the city needed content for the MOSA Festival, ‘Haïkus du Jardin’ was born after one year of collaboration between Vaudreuil-Dorion and the Espace Haïku club. Here are some of the Haïkus that were recited by their authors:

“accroupie sur le tapis du gazon elle coasse” by Julie de Belle

“lilas en fleurs un souper au parfum de mon enfance” by Carole Demers

“radeau de fleurs boutons d’or et capucines à la dérive” by Lilianne Thomas

“potager d’automne macédoine de légumes au souper” by Micheline Richard

“grand tapis vert picoté de marguerites le cardinal chante” by Isabelle Duchesne The MOSA Festival 2023 edition is far from being over, there will be more activities and events taking place in July and in August. Sources: Ville de Vaudreuil-Dorion, Christine Beaulieu, Amélie Boivin Handfield, Nane Couzier, Julie de Belle, Carole Demers, Lilianne Thomas, Micheline Richard, Isabelle Duchesne, Natacha Marleau, Mélissa Gagné