Addressing the issue of housing affordability and the need for additional community housing in the southern West Island is the primary focus of the Table de Quartier Sud de l'Ouest-de l'Île (TQSOI)'s Housing For All team. To expand the supply of affordable homes in our region, they are collaborating with community housing organizations.
The housing team is collaborating with Maison LI-BER-T House for the upcoming stage of the TQSOI's Centraide-funded Collective Impact Project (PIC). The primary goal of LI-BER-T House is to give at-risk women on the West Island interim accommodation. After years of operation, LI-BER-T now has new plans and is looking to buy a larger, new location for the organization to increase the size and scope of its new services. In an effort to learn more about some of the obstacles to communal housing on the West Island, the TQSOI plans to record and participate in the development process at LI-BER-T. For more, contact

Maison LI-BER-T House’s mission is to help alleviate poverty and homelessness. LI-BER-T House provides a safe housing alternative for women transitioning into society after they’ve completed a drug/ alcohol treatment program (rehab), and seeks to empower them to become self-sufficient through learning, leadership, companionship and service (West Island Community Resource Centre). Watch their video for more information.
The TQSOI works to raise the standard of living for residents of the southern part of the West Island. It brings together elected officials from the municipal, provincial, and federal levels of government, community organizations, corporations, and institutions to foster a roundtable discussion.