Premier François Legault announced the continued lightening of public health measures in the coming weeks in a press release this afternoon.
As of February 14th, sports and artistic activities for all those over the age of 18 will be able to reconvene with a maximum of 25 people. Spas and gymnasiums will also re-open at 50% capacity.
The situation in hospitals is still precarious. Numbers are decreasing, but they are not decreasing as rapidly as we have seen in days past. Last week, there were 3278 COVID-related hospitalizations. Today there are 2852.
Although many employees who were absent have begun to return to work, hospitals will be playing "catch-up" on surgeries that were put on hold due to the Omicron variant.
At this time, only 61% of the Quebec population has received their 3rd dose.
"It's not enough", said Legault.
The Premier stressed the importance of getting vaccinated:
"The numbers are clear. If you are not vaccinated, you are far more likely to end up in the hospital, and even die."
- François Legault
Legault called getting vaccinated an act of solidarity.
In an earlier conference a few weeks ago, it was proposed that a medical tax would be imposed upon those who chose not to get vaccinated for "no valid medical reason". Today, François Legault announced that the Quebec government would not be moving forward with the imposition of the tax at this time.
"We must begin to re-build bridges. For two years we have lived a historic crisis. There are marks, there are scars. Now is the time to work together so Quebec stays united."
- François Legault
SOURCE: Government of Quebec
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