Are you interested in dog adoption through a reputable service? Animatch, a local non-profit, boasts a centre with accommodation for a dozen dogs and a dedicated team of volunteers. West Island Blog and Animatch have come together to help find our furry friends a forever home. Please share this post to help them find a home if you can.
Jersey's world was turned upside down when she was given up because of an illness in the family. She was very nervous and started exhibiting unacceptable behavior. She has now spent some time at École de Formation des Intervenants Canins du Québec, and has come a long way. Training has provided a great boost to her confidence. But it doesn't end here. Australian Shepherds are smart and energetic and need to be busy. Running, hiking, agility, fly ball, herding, she's up for all of it. Training must be a part of her daily routine. Jersey's alright with other dogs, as long as they eventually go home. She must be your only pet. No cats either. She is looking for someone who will be as loyal and true-blue to her as she will be to you.
Glacier is the Houdini of the canine world. On the day that she was to leave for Animatch with her seven pups, she escaped from her travel crate. She was recaptured and made the trip four days later, after another unsuccessful bid for freedom. She isn't used to being confined, either in a crate or a room, and becomes very stressed. She has already demolished part of a wall and molding at the Centre. At some point, she may need medication for her anxiety. Despite all this, Glacier loves people. Outside on her own, she attempts to jump the fence. If accompanied by a human, she never leaves their side. Our Vet discovered an old fracture in one of her hind legs, and it is still a little crooked. This sweet, affectionate girl is looking for a family that can meet her needs: Someone is home for a good part of the day; the property is safe and secure; you love the outdoors. She gets along with other dogs, but not with cats. If this sounds like your family, fill out the form and ask for Glacier. You won't find a more loyal friend.
If Loki looks familiar, it's because he was formerly known as Boy. He originally arrived from Lebanon in September 2019. He was a big, out-of-control teenager, and spent several months at École de Formation Intervenants Canins du Québec. With their dedication and perseverance, he made tremendous strides and was adopted in March 2020. Over time, the family realized that Loki still has some issues and were no longer comfortable keeping him. He is now with one of our experienced Foster Moms because we feel that he deserves a second chance. Loki can be reactive when another dog or human that he isn't familiar with invades his space. This is particularly so if the human is a man. He seems to feel trapped and frightened in a confined space. His best chance would be with a single, active woman (or a man who can gain his trust). He's great on leash for his daily walks and enjoys car rides and toys. He is smart and enjoys learning, but we feel he'll probably never be comfortable with another creature in his food bowl (dog, cat or toddler). Loki needs a calm, stable environment with someone who can provide him with love, commitment, training and socializing. This is a long list of requirements, but if it sounds like you, please fill out the form and give Loki his second chance.
We don't know where she came from, but Thinsel was running hard. By the time a Good Samaritan caught her and brought her to Animal Control, her feet were bloody and she was desperate for food and water. Unclaimed and weighing 28 lbs instead of the 50 that she should be, Thinsel came to Animatch. She needs a quiet, low-traffic home where she can have a walk or two every day while she recovers. She is very selective of canine friends and needs to be your one and only. Cats are also a no-no. If you think you're the person to help her reclaim her health and can make the second half of her life better than the first, fill out the form and ask for Thinsel.
For more information on Jersey, Glacier, Loki, Thinsel or any of the other dogs available for adoption, go to

About Animatch
Animatch has humble beginnings as a non-profit dog adoption service. It was founded in 1999 by Helen Lacroix, a busy wife and mother. Her grassroots movement started around her kitchen table. Helen credits her parents with instilling in her their love and concern for animals. Today, Animatch boasts a centre with accommodation for a dozen dogs and a dedicated team of volunteers.