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A free 77-page guide has been released to better equip mental health caregivers.

Writer: Carey TateCarey Tate

Living with a mental health disorder often impacts the entire family unit, and family members play a vital role in providing support and care. However, caregivers require assistance and understanding to effectively navigate their loved one's disorder. Friends for Mental Health has released a brand new guide for the family and friends of people with a mental health issue, fittingly named The Caregiver's Ally in Mental Health.

Written by the organization's counselors, this invaluable resource aims to demystify mental health disorders and the healthcare system while guiding the caregiver through their role. The handbook equips caregivers with the necessary knowledge and skills to fulfill their role while also emphasizing the importance of self-care.

"At les Amis de la santé mentale/Friends for Mental Health, our mission is to provide caregivers with the tools they need, and this new regional guide will be the best reference to accompany them throughout the process," said Isabelle Paquette, Executive Director of Friends for Mental Health.

In 2003, Friends for Mental Health published and distributed the first edition of a guide for families, similar to The Caregiver's Ally in Mental Health. This initial edition consisted of 32 pages of support and information.

The newly released edition of the guide is a significant expansion, comprising 77 pages. This updated version is unique and stands as the only guide of its kind available specifically for the West Island community. It builds upon the foundation of the earlier edition, offering even more comprehensive information and resources to assist families and friends in understanding and navigating the challenges of mental health issues. To obtain a free copy, stop by their office located at 186 Sutton Pl, in Beaconsfield.

"We would like to thank our collaborators for their contribution to this project, which has enabled us to create a guide that reflects the reality of the entourage members of a person living with a mental health disorder. This book, written by our professional mental health advisors, is an indispensable tool for families who are often faced with difficult situations," concluded Paquette.


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